Monday, July 1, 2013

Ice Cream & Shopping

Saturday we celebrated the 1st year of our friend’s daughter’s birth by attending an adorable Ice Cream themed birthday.  Target, in my opinion, has trendy outfits at affordable prices for all age groups… including 12-18 month olds, so this is where we got Miss Charles’ outfits

Naturally, I picked up two dresses for moi

I wore the orange dress to Charlie’s birthday; the high was 102 degrees and even though I wore a cardigan {I have to have a finishing piece to make it an outfit} it wasn’t unbearable… after all, discomfort is the price we pay for fashion, even in the casual world.  I did try to find an ice cream themed dress, but sadly I failed.

Recently we’ve been getting back to our youngster selves & stopped acting like old fudi-dudies; meaning, we’ve going out and trying new places, as in bars. The one we’ve been frequenting the most is Proof Patio & Lounge where the girls are dressed to impress where I feel like my 50s inspired outfits are sub-par so I’ve been looking for outfits to step up my game; this is where the above blue dress comes into play. I bought those shoes a while back {they’re 6” tall, neon, & fabulous} & the minute I saw that dress, those shoes popped into my mind. The dress still isn’t as short and as revealing as the other ladies, but I’ve never been that type of girl, plus I’m married, I’m not trying to snag a man, but I still don’t want to blend & not embarrass our friends who own the place. 

Yes, I'm trying to save $, and no, shopping isn't helping that matter, BUT we're not eating out due to starting our Advocare 24 day challenge {I'm hoping to drop at least 5lbs to jump start my healthy life style that I'm trying to get back to} so that's how I'm justifying my latest purchases.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Nude Patriotic Devilish Sharks Invade...

Nude Patriotic Devilish Sharks Invade... 
Yep, those four descriptions go with my four new pairs of shoes
{Work clothes/shmerk clothes, these shoes need to be in my life and on my feet}!

The top pair are indeed SHARKS {I had a hard time deciding between the yellow & blue}; The yellow pair have tiny devil horns on them, the 3rd pair are my sensible ones since they’re a nude {these shall be my neutrals for the summer}, and the 4th pair.... Those puppies are 7" tall, God Bless America!
UrbanOg is having a sale PLUS I used a promo code to get 25% off {FLYMAY25}

In the words of Cinderella, "One shoe can change your life."

Friday, June 14, 2013

Work'n 9:00-5:00

If you’re new to me &/or my blog, then you don’t know about my addiction… I.LOVE.To.Shop! 
My sweet husband converted one of our spare bedrooms into a giant walk-in closet for me {it was one of the first things built in my house} & sadly, I’ve outgrown it, so I’m upgrading to one of our bigger spare bedrooms {Which consequently is being used as our office, but I mean, do we need one huge room for a computer and a desk?  Answer, no.}, but that’s going to be an entirely different post, so back to this one.
Last year I gave myself a goal, “2012, THE YEAR OF SHOES” where I bought 1 new pair of shoes a month, well this year is going to be known as, “2013, 9-5 ATTIRE.” 
Since Chimmi & Chonga cause a lot of commotion {those are my lady humps} I thought I’d do myself a favor and buy my interpretation of “work appropriate” clothes, which of course means, dresses.  
These are my latest buys, all from Modcloth
The outfit I pieced together is currently my favorite {next to my fire hydrant dress of course}; it’s comfortable, it's this season's colors, it's bright, happy, & it allows me to show off my buxom curves.
{I'm going to try and make an effort to snap a photo of me in the outfits too, but please, don't hold me to that!}
I paired the featured outfit with one of my 2012 shoes; my white & pink polka dotted pumps
{I ran over one of these with Cody's truck!  Sure one heel is slightly crooked, but I figured out how to still walk in them... that's the definition of dedication!}

Friday, May 31, 2013


A few days ago as I was peering into my mirror, doing what the majority of woman do… analyzing all the things that have appeared on my face reminding me that I’m aging!  I started thinking to myself, “Jeannie, you should’ve started an anti-wrinkling regime when you were 20, and why haven’t you gotten more than one facial?  Plus, you can’t Botox your entire face!”  Which led me to purchasing my first wrinkle/age fighting elixirs.  There was a 3 piece set for $50 or a 2 piece set for $30, but both didn’t target my 2 main concerns, so I opted for the following:
It’s only my 2nd day/night of testing them, so no results yet. 
It says I should see results in 2 weeks, but we'll see about that!
Before I started applying these, my skin care system consisted of:
  1. Applying Sheer Cover which is a SPF 20 mineral makeup
    1. I used to have to take Accutane, which didn’t work, I took it for almost a full year before I decided to stop.  Then one night, while watching infomercials with my boyfriend at the time {don’t judge, we’ve all been sucked in at one point in our lives}, I discovered Sheer Cover.  Douche Bag {which my Ex-boyfriend is now referred to}, knew I’d been on a mission to find a foundation that wouldn’t cause breakouts or morph into a different color {I couldn’t use liquid foundations b/c the oils in my skin would cause the ingredients in the foundation to change colors: orange, pink, or yellow as the day progressed, it was infuriating}, and since I didn’t own a credit card at the time, DB purchased it for me {after we broke up, I didn’t bother transferring my makeup to my own card until three years later once I stopped receiving it, haha, and I was so addicted to this makeup, it lead me to getting my current credit card}!  This makeup actually cleared my skin & has kept it clear for 12 years now.
  2. Not washing my face prior to bedtime
    1. Meaning I wash my face only to reapply my makeup, so I’m only makeup-less for about 30 min a day, but I’ve been know to keep my makeup on for 48 hours, which I know, is bad for my face but also for my pillow cases!
  3. Mystic Tanning/Spray on
    1. You may not think this counts, but it does.  It means I don’t tan in the sun, lessoning sun damage which can cause wrinkles, and looking “sun kissed” makes my skin appear clearer and younger.
 The moral of this post?  I added the two age defining creams to my daily routine to fight the signs of aging. 
*Side Note: For “fancy” occasions I use Makeup Forever’s HD Foundation but I’m about to experiment with MAC;  I’m on a mission to find the best coverage makeup that makes me look airbrushed.
My next few post can be about that mission!  I’ll give you my personal feedback on the foundations &, if I can master it, a YouTube video of the transformations.  Once I've tried at least 3 different ones, I'll post side by side photos to reveal which one is truly superior. I hope that sparks a few interest in my future & current followers.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


After starting a blog with my husband called, Covering The Miles, which is about our travels & Us as a family {our last name is Miles... see what we did there?}, I started to clutter it with post about clothes, shoes, makeup, diets I would start and give up on, & random cartoons of weird dreams I was having... I decided to de-clutter & keep that blog to its original intent & start this one... 

My first few postings are going to be my previous posts from the other blog, so if you’ve seen them already, my apologizes!  I promise It’ll be caught up and ready for action very soon! 

Until then, feel free to check out the “Bux-umm?” Page which will give you a tad more insight on who I am, and what this blog is going to be dedicated too.